KavaChart in Action - Examples and Documentation - ProServe

[ Back ] ProServe Chart Samples

We've assembled a collection of chart examples to help you find the right charts for your project from KavaChart's collection. Most of these pages include notes about what kinds of charts are best for certain kinds of data as a guide to optimizing your graphics.

All these pages are created using KavaChart's tag library, but they could as easily have been created using scriptlets or servlets. Take a look at the JSP source code to the pages to see how they work. You will generally use a database or web service to obtain data for your charts, and will probably want to separate the chart style information from the rest of the page. See the tag-library and scriptlet examples for information about handling external styles, internationalization, and dynamic data handling.

These samples are organized into 4 collections:

All the charts share a core of functionality, covering data handling, hyperlinks, and general chart properties like color palettes and labeling.

Note: these charts all run in "demo mode" and display a notice at the bottom until you install a license key.

It's worth browsing through all the samples to see if there's a specialized chart that is uniquely suited for your needs. You can also browse the KavaChart HTML documentation from these pages, or download the KavaChart ProServe User's Guide in PDF format. The PDF documentation can be printed for a handy desktop reference.

You can also use the KavaChart Chart Wizard to prototype you chart designs without becoming familiar with KavaChart's style properties.

Basic Charts

This collection includes the most used chart types, including most varieties of Bar, Pie, and Line charts.

The Basic collection demos include:

  • A variety of line and scatter plots, including regression charts.
  • A variety of bar and column charts, including stacked bars, clustered bars, stacked columns, clustered columns, and charts with bar-by-bar custom colors. These charts also include 3-D demos, and demonstrate how to use semi-transparent colors.
  • Area charts, including both stacked and layered areas.
  • Combination charts, including bar-line and bar-area charts, with some hints on how best to use these charts.
  • Pie charts, in 2 and 3 dimensions, with a variety of color palettes and rendering styles.

Like all ProServe charts, these charts support hyperlinking, tooltips dynamic data, and a wide range of style and data input features.

Feel free to experiment with these samples to see how chart properties can modify chart appearance.

The Timeseries Chart Collection

KavaChart's Timeseries chart collection includes sophisticated timescale handling. Data that ranges over a period of time can be represented as areas, lines, strip charts, or bars, with clear, intuitive axis labelling that happens automatically.

Timeseries demos include:

Finance Chart Collection

KavaChart's finance charts include some of the most popular chart types used to analyze financial data. For more sophisticated charting and technical analysis, see the "kcfinance" package, part of the KavaChart Enterprise Edition. If you need professional level technical analysis, or wish to implement a complete trading application with real-time data and news feeds, contact contact info@kavachart.com for more information about our Visual:ProChart technical finance charting products.

The Basic Finance collection includes:

  • Candlestick, OHLC, Stick charts, and multiple charts arranged into traditional finance charting combinations.
  • Sector Maps, also called Treemaps to provide at-a-glance understanding of portfolio standing and market directions.

Specialty Chart Collection

KavaChart includes a range of charts that are used for specialized applications. While these charts aren't seen as often as, say, a bar chart or pie chart, they're extremely useful for certain situations.

The specialty charts include: