General Properties
Axis Properties
Dataset Properties
Date Chart Properties Date Axis Properties Date Formats

KavaChart General Properties

KavaChart uses a rich set of properties to define how a chart will look and behave. Properties are set in various ways, depending on whether you're using applets, server objects, or chart tags.  Each property is defined by a single value.  For example, to define a title on your chart, you might set the property "titleString" to "My Chart Title".

Applets use properties as applet parameters. 
<param name="propertyName" value="propertyValue">
Server objects can load properties from a Properties object, read a properties text file, or use methods to set properties. 
chartBean.setProperty("propertyName", "propertyValue");
Chart tags generally load persistent properties (those that are the same for every chart) from a properties file that defines styles, and overrides these properties with any transient changes that need to be made for a particular chart.
<chart:streamed dataProviderId="dpid" style="persistentProperties">
<chart:param name="transientProperty" value="propertyValue">

General Chart Properties

The following properties apply to any KavaChart applet, or server object, including custom charts that extend KavaChart classes.

Each property expects a certain type of value.  For example, the property "titleColor" expects a "color" value.  The table below describes the conventions for each value type.
<PARAM name=xAxisLabelFont value="Arial,18,2">
NOTE: Properties that specify texture, gradient or line style will take effect only  in Java 2 environments (jdk 1.2 or above).
Property Expected Value Type Effect
colorPalette String Set the overall default color palette for the chart. Default possibilities: web_sanfrancisco, web_minnesota, web_alaska, web_newyork, web_losangeles, web_grays, web_seattle, web_newmexico, web_rosemary, web_pastel, web_prague, presentation_cool, presentation_browns, presentation_southwest, presentation_impact, presentation_deep, presentation_oceana, presentation_sophisticated. The default is "web_newyork"
titleString String Chart Title (default none) 
titleFont font Font name, size, & style for chart title (default TimesRoman, plain, 12 pt)
titleColor color color of text in Title (default black)
titleX double X location of the title string, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. If this is not specified the title will be centered.
titleY double Y location of the title string, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
subTitleString String Chart Sub-Title (default none) 
subTitleFont font Font name, size, & style for chart title (default TimesRoman, plain, 12 pt)
subTitleColor color color of text in Title (default black)
subTitleX double X location of the subtitle string, if this is not specified the subtitle will be centered.  Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
subTitleY double Y location of the subtitle string.  Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
labelsOn anything determines whether bar, line, pie, etc., labels will be visible
labelAngle integer the number of degrees to rotate data point labels
labelPrecision integer the number of digits of precision for data point labels
currencyLabels boolean determines whether the data point labels will be in currency format according to the current chart locale.
percentLabels boolean determines whether the data point labels will be in percent format (for example a datum label of 0.50 will be formatted to 50%).
legendOn anything make the legend visible
legendColor color sets the background color of a legend
legendVertical anything legend icons in vertical list.  Default is horizontal arrangement.
legendLabelFont font Font name, size, & style for legend (default TimesRoman, plain, 12 pt)
legendLabelColor color color of text in legend (default black)
legendllX double X location of lower left legend corner (default 0.0)
legendllY double Y location of lower left legend corner (default 0.0)
iconWidth double width of legend icon (default 0.07)
iconHeight double height of legend icon (default 0.05)
iconGap double gap between icon and next legend entry (default 0.01)
invertLegend anything invert the order of the legend icons
legendSecondaryColor color The Color to be used as the secondary color for this legend's texture or gradient.
legendGradient integer Sets the gradient for this legend. Available gradient values are 0 for left/right mirrored, 1 for top/bottom mirrored, 2 for top to bottom, and 3 for left to right
legendTexture integer Sets the texture for this legend. Available texture values are 0 for horizontal stripes, 1 for vertical stripes, 2 for diagonal down stripes, 3 for diagonal up stripes, 4 for cross hatching, and -1 to use the legend image to create the texture (or to use no texture if an image isn't present).
legendImage URL (or filename) image to use for this legend's background (default none).
legendLineWidth integer pixel width of legend outline
legendLineStyle integer Sets the line style for this legend's outline. Available values for this parameter are 0 for dashed, 1 for dotted, 2 for dot-dashed, and -1 for solid (default = -1).
plotAreaTop double top of the plotting area (area bounded by X and Y axes)
plotAreaBottom double bottom of the plotting area
plotAreaRight double right side of the plotting area
plotAreaLeft double left side of the plotting area
plotAreaColor color color of plotting area background (default white)
plotAreaSecondaryColor color The Color to be used as the secondary color for this plotarea's texture/gradient.
plotAreaGradient integer Sets the gradient for this plotarea. Available gradient values are 0 for left/right mirrored, 1 for top/bottom mirrored, 2 for top to bottom, and 3 for left to right
plotAreaTexture integer Sets the texture for this plotarea. Available texture values are 0 for horizontal stripes, 1 for vertical stripes, 2 for diagonal down stripes, 3 for diagonal up stripes, 4 for cross hatching, and -1 to use the plotarea image to create the texture (or to use no texture if there is no image present).
plotAreaImage URL (or filename) image to use for this plotarea's background (default none).
plotAreaLineWidth integer pixel width of plotarea outline
plotAreaLineStyle integer Sets the line style for this plotarea's outline. Available values for this parameter are 0 for dashed, 1 for dotted, 2 for dot-dashed, and -1 for solid (default = -1).
backgroundColor color color of chart background (default white)
backgroundSecondaryColor color The Color to be used as the secondary color for this background's texture/gradient.
backgroundGradient integer Sets the gradient for this background. Available gradient values are 0 for left/right mirrored, 1 for top/bottom mirrored, 2 for top to bottom, and 3 for left to right
backgroundTexture integer Sets the texture for this background. Available texture values are 0 for horizontal stripes, 1 for vertical stripes, 2 for diagonal down stripes, 3 for diagonal up stripes, 4 for cross hatching, and -1 to use the background image to create the texture (or to use no texture if there is no image present).
backgroundImage URL (or filename) image to use for this background's background (default none). Use this property to define line markers for scatter plots.
backgroundLineWidth integer pixel width of background outline
backgroundLineStyle integer Sets the line style for this background's outline. Available values for this parameter are 0 for dashed, 1 for dotted, 2 for dot-dashed, and -1 for solid (default = -1).
3D anything turns on 3D effects for this chart (default 2D)
XDepth integer number of pixels of offset in X direction for 3D effect (default 15)
YDepth integer number of pixels of offset in y direction for 3D effect (default 15)
locale String KavaChart automatically localizes your charts for the locale of the Java Virtual Machine that creates the chart. For applets, this means your charts will automatically change things like month labels, number formatting, and so on, depending on whether your viewers are in, say, France, or Japan. For servlets, this means the output will be localized for your server's defaults. You can override the locale with this parameter. Valid locales include canada, canada_french, china, chinese, english, france, french, german, germany, italian, italy, japan, japanese, korea, korean, prc, simplified_chinese, taiwan, traditional_chinese, uk, and us. You can also create a locale using two letter language codes and country codes in this format: langageCode_countryCode (for example "en_US" denotes english/U.S.).
delimiter String the separator character for list parameters. Default is comma (e.g. "123,432,123").
defaultFont Font A new default font for your charts. This parameter overrides the default font setting for KavaChart graphs. This parameter sets a new default for all KavaChart graphics running within the Java Virtual Machine in the current session, so you should use it cautiously. Its primary value is for settings that wish to start with consistent font usage for all charts.  This is generally used for locales that don't use western fonts.
backgroundImage URL or file name Charts can replace the solid background color with a GIF or JPEG image for added effect.
outlineColor Color Color to use for outlining bars, plotareas, etc. (Default none). Using this param automatically enables outlining for most objects
outlineDataRepresentation true/false If outlineColor is set to some color, you can selectively turn the outlining off for the DataRepresentation (Bars, Pie, Area, etc.) by setting this property to "false". Default is "true".
outlinePlotarea true/false If outlineColor is set to some color, you can selectively turn the outlining off for the Plotarea (the region bounded by the x and y axes) by setting this property to "false". Default is "true".
outlineBackground true/false If outlineColor is set to some color, you can selectively turn the outlining off for the Background (the total chart image area) by setting this property to "false". Default is "true".
outlineLegend true/false If outlineColor is set to some color, you can selectively turn the outlining off for the chart Legend by setting this property to "false". Default is "true".
showVersion true/false If this is set to true, the chart will be printed with the version number as the chart title.
annotation0LabelString String A label for note 0 (unlimited notes available) Note: a "|" character will break this note into multiple lines.
annotation0Alignment above| below| left| right Where note should appear relative to location
annotation0CoordinateSpace pixel|axis Coordinate space for location values
annotation0Xloc Number Pixels or axis values
annotation0YLoc Number Pixels or axis values
annotation0LabelFont Font Font for this note
annotation0LabelColor Color Font color for this note
annotation0FillBackground true|false Determines whether this note will have an opaque background
annotation0BackgroundColor Color Note's background color
annotation0OutlineColor Color This note's outline color (if any)

Axis Properties

Axis properties include an option list and properties for each axis.

If you're modifying an X Axis (usually on the top or bottom of a chart), use xAxisPropertyName instead of yAxisPropertyName. X Axes are on the left and right for Horizontal Bar Type charts. Speedo and Polar charts have a single Axis, which is a Y Axis.

If you're modifying an Auxiliary Y Axis (charts that have left and right axes, for example), use auxAxisPropertyName instead of yAxisPropertyName.

Axis Property Value Type Effect
yAxisTitle string Axis title
yAxisTitleFont font Axis title font
yAxisTitleColor color Axis title color
yAxisLabelFont font use this font for axis labels
yAxisLabelColor color axis labels in this color (default black)
xAxisLabels list A comma separated list of user-defined labels for this Axis. This is only effective for certain types of chart (BarChart derivatives, LabelLineChart, Area charts) that use a LabelAxis.
yAxisLabelAngle integer label rotation in degrees (default 0). Note: rotations of 0 and 90 degrees will be the most readable
yAxisLabelPrecision integer Number of digits past the decimal point to display
yAxisLineColor color axis line color (default black)
yAxisTickColor color axis tick mark color (default black)
yAxisGridColor color axis grid line color (default black)
yAxisColor color sets axis grids, ticks, lines and labels to the same color
yAxisTickLength integer number of pixels long for axis tick marks
yAxisMinTickLength integer number of pixels long for axis minor tick marks
yAxisStart double starting value on axis. By default, axes automatically determine a starting and ending value. By setting this value, you can give the axis a default minimum value. If the Axis is set to noAutoScale, this value will be used directly. Otherwise, this value may be adjusted slightly to yield better looking labels. For example, if you set yAxisStart to 0.01, the chart may decide to round the value down to 0.0 to create even axis increments.
yAxisEnd double ending value on axis. By default, axes automatically determine a starting and ending value. By setting this value, you can give the axis a default maximum value. If the Axis is set to noAutoScale, this value will be used directly. Otherwise, this value may be adjusted slightly to yield better looking labels. For example, if you set yAxisStart to 9.99, the chart may decide to round the value up to 10.0 to create even axis increments.
yAxisLabelCount integer how many labels on an axis set to noAutoScale
yAxisTickCount integer how many tick marks on an axis set to noAutoScale
yAxisMinTickCount integer how many minor tick marks on an axis set to noAutoScale
yAxisGridCount integer how many grid lines on an axis set to noAutoScale
yAxisGridStyle integer the line style of the grid lines for this axis
yAxisGridWidth integer the width in pixels of the grid lines for this axis
a value for a specialized grid line on this axis (create as many as you need)
a color for this threshold line
a linestyle for this threshold line
a label for this threshold line
a color for this threshold line's label
a font for this threshold line's label

Axis Option Lists

The following lists include various options for adjusting the look of an X or Y axis. Use these properties in a list, like this:
<param name=xAxisOptions value="gridOn, tickOff, lineOff">
If you're modifying an auxiliary Y axis (such as in a chart that has left and right axes), use auxAxisOptions.
yAxisOptions (xAxisOptions)  Effect
noAutoScale axis scale defined in other properties
rotateTitle vertical axis title should be parallel with axis
logScaling axis will use log scaling
sciLogScaling axis will use log scaling, but with a scientific label arrangement which looks best with a large data interval
lineOff make axis line invisible
tickOff make major tick marks invisible
minTickOn make minor tick marks visible
labelsOff make axis labels invisible
gridOn make grid lines visible
sciLogMajorGridOff make major grid lines invisible in a scientific log scaled axis
sciLogMinorGridOff make minor grid lines invisible in a scientific log scaled axis
rightAxis this axis goes on the right
topAxis this axis goes on the top
bottomAxis this axis goes on the bottom
leftAxis this axis goes on the left
currencyLabels the labels on this axis will by in currency format
percentLabels the labels on this axis will by in percent format

Dataset Properties

In general, every chart must define a list of numbers for Y data. Charts that don't define this data will use an internally generated fake dataset, which is pretty useless.

Other charts may require X and Y values.  Some charts require a list of timestamps or dates in place of X values.  Other charts may require several Y values (y, y2, y3, etc.) for each X value.  See the chart-specific properties for more information about a particular chart's requirements.

Although there are a number of properties available to set the chart's data, you may wish to implement a DataProvider class or override the "getDataset()" method.  See the chart tag documentation or server bean documentation for more information about using these methods.
Dataset Properties (available datasets 0 through 39) Type Effect
dataset0xValues list comma separated list of X values for dataset 0. For date related charts see datset0dateValues.
dataset0yValues list comma separated list of Y values for dataset 0
dataset0y2Values list comma separated list of secondary Y values.  These are used for various kinds of hi-lo bars.
dataset0xyValues list comma separated list of XY pairs for dataset 0
dataset0dateValues list comma separated list of date strings for dataset 0.  (see "inputDateFormat" for more information about the available time formats)
dataset0Name string name for display in legend (default "dataset0")
dataset0Labels list comma separated labels for data items
dataset0Color color fill and line color to use for this dataset (default varies)
dataset0Colors list of colors colors to use for pie slices or bars (default varies)
dataset0SecondaryColor color the Color to be used as the second color with dataset textures/gradients.
dataset0SecondaryColors list of colors Colors to be used as the second color with dataset textures/gradients.
dataset0Gradient integer Sets the gradient for this dataset. Available gradient values are 0 for left/right mirrored, 1 for top/bottom mirrored, 2 for top to bottom, and 3 for left to right
dataset0Gradients list of integers Sets the gradients for this dataset. For available values see datset0Gradient.
dataset0Texture integer Sets the texture for this dataset. Available texture values are 0 for horizontal stripes, 1 for vertical stripes, 2 for diagonal down stripes, 3 for diagonal up stripes, 4 for cross hashing, and -1 to use the dataset image to create the texture (or to use no texture if there is no image defined).
dataset0Textures list of integers Sets the textures for this dataset. For available values see datset0Texture.
dataset0Image URL (or filename) image to use for this dataset's markers (default none). Use this property to define custom line markers for scatter plots.
dataset0Images list of URLs (or filenames) images to use for this chart's markers (default none). Use this property to define individual custom line markers for scatter plots.
dataset0MarkerStyle integer Specify an internal marker for line charts and scatter plots (0=box, 1=diamond, 2=circle, 3=triangle). Default is -1 (none)
dataset0MarkerStyles list of integers Specify internal markers for datsets drawn with different markers at each data point. See datset0MarkerStyle for available marker values.
dataset0MarkerSize integer pixel width of internal marker for line charts and scatter plots.
dataset0MarkerSizes list of integers pixel widths of internal markers for line charts with individual markers
dataset0MarkerColor color determines the color of just the markers.
dataset0LineWidth integer pixel width of plot line
dataset0LineStyle integer Sets the line style for this line. Available values for this property are 0 for dashed, 1 for dotted, 2 for dot-dashed, and -1 for solid (default = -1).
dataset0LineColor color Sets the color of just the lines for this dataset.  Primarily used to turn off a single line on a line chart (by setting this property to "transparent"), making it a combination scatter and line chart.
dataset0LabelFont font font to use for this dataset's labels (default TimesRoman 12pt)
dataset0LabelColor color color to use for this dataset's labels (default black)
customDatasetHandler string information passed to a user-defined dataset handling method "void getMyDatasets(String str)" Note: in the case of DateAxis, this is the URL for a data file that contains columnar Date information

URL Dataset Parameters

KavaChart objects can also retrieve data from a URL. If you're running applets, this URL must be on the same host that serves the applet.

Data URLs can be files, but more often, they point to CGIs that generate data dynamically. This mechanism lets you keep your overall chart definition unchanged while modifying the data to meet your requirements.

Applets can also use the networkInterval parameter to re-read data from the URL, updating the chart as necessary.

URL Dataset Properties (available datasets 0 through 39) Type Effect
dataset0xURL URL URL for a file of comma separated X values for dataset 0
dataset0yURL URL URL for a file of comma separated list of Y values for dataset 0
dataset0URLLabels list comma separated labels for URLs
URLDataBlock URL URL for a file of comma separated Y values. Each line in this file is assumed to be a unique dataset.
URLXYDataRows URL URL for a file of comma separated XY pairs arranged into rows. Each row represents a single dataset, with values arranged as x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3... 
URLXYDataColumns URL URL for a file of comma separated XY pairs arranged into columns. This file must contain a single value as the first line of the file, specifying the number of observations (rows) in the file. The first two columns are dataset 1, the second two columns are dataset 2, etc.
networkInterval integer Number of seconds to wait before re-reading URL datasets (applets only)
customDatasetHandler string information passed to a user-defined dataset handling routine "void getMyDatasets(String str)" Note: in the case of DateAxis, this is the URL for a data file that contains columnar Date information. This method has been largely superceded by KavaChart's DataProvider interface, which lets you implement a portable class to plug in, using the "setDataProvider" method.

Date Chart Properties

Some applets and server charts support special properties for handling time oriented data.  These charts include dateLineApp, dateAreaApp, hiLoCloseApp, ganttApp, and other variants that use time axes.  See the chart-specific properties for more information about individual charts.

In general, these charts use timestamps instead of X (or sometimes Y) values.  They have axes that automatically create time oriented increments, and need additional information to parse time/date inputs and to format time/date outputs.

A subclass of ParameterParser, DateStreamReader, along with specialized subclasses for hi-lo data, candlestick data, and so on, add parsing and data handling facilities for time oriented charts.  See the API documenation and PDF KavaChart User Manual for more information on programming with these ParameterParser subclasses.

The following list contains general charting options for charts that use time oriented axes:

Property Type Effect
startData String Ignore any data earlier than this time/date. Note: this string is interpreted according to the "inputDateFormat" property, which uses values described in the Date Format section below.
endData String Ignore any data later than this time/date. Note: this string is interpreted according to the "inputDateFormat" property, which uses values described in the Date Format section below.
inputDateFormat String Use this pattern to read any incoming data. For more information on how to construct this string, see the Date Format section below.
incrementalDataURL URL Applets only.  A URL to poll for additional data points. Date oriented charts read initial data from the URL or file specified in "customDatasetHandler". Subsequent observations can be added to applets by polling the URL specified in this parameter. This URL will be checked each networkInterval.

Date Axis Properties

The following list contains options for charts with Time/Date X axes, such as those used for dateLineApp and dateAreaApp, as well as financial chart types like stickApp and hiLoCloseApp.

DateAxis Properties Type Effect
startDate string time/date for axis starting value. Like yAxisStart and yAxisEnd, this value is used as a "hint" to override default values provided by autoscaling.  Note: this string is interpreted according to the values set with "inputDateFormat".  For more information, see the Date Format section below.
endDate string time/date for axis ending value.  Like "startDate", this value is used as a "hint" to override default values supplied by autoscaling.
axisDateFormat string By default, DateAxis selects an appropriate labelling type based on your time range and your locale. Your applets will automatically use, for example, Japanese month names for browsers in Japan, and German month names for browsers in Germany. Similarly, applets might choose a yy/mm label for one locale, and mm/yy for another locale.

Server objects use a format appropriate for the locale setting, set using the "locale" property.  Otherwise, a default server locale is used.

This property lets you override the axis labels to use your specific formatting instructions. See the Date Format section below for more information on how to use the formatting patterns.
axisSecondaryDateFormat string Some DateAxes use a primary and secondary format to highlight important boundaries, like years (for month scaling) or hours (for minute scaling). This property lets you set the date or timestamp format for one of these boundaries. See the Date Format section below for more information on how to use the formatting patterns.
scalingType integer By setting a "scalingType", you can override the scaling model chosen by the axis autoscaler.
1 scale by seconds
2 scale by minutes
3 scale by hours
4 scale by days
5 scale by weeks
6 scale by months
7 scale by years
axisTimeZone string This determines the timezone used for displaying date data. By default applet and server objects use the timezone of their jvm. This may be incorrect in some cases.   For example if my server object is parsing time data in New York, and I want a user in California to see the data in California time, not New York time, then this property can be used to change the way the data is displayed.

Timezones can be specified by JDK 1.1 deprecated strings like PST, EST, etc., by Java 2 standards: "America/Los_Angeles", or by the difference from GMT in this syntax: GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm] (for example Eastern Standard Time would be equivalent to "GMT-5:00").
inputTimeZone string This determines the timezone used for parsing date data. By default applet and server objects use the timezone of their jvm. This may be incorrect in some case. For example, if my data is based in New York, my client's applet is parsing time data in California, and I want my user to see the data in local-time, then this property can be used to change the way the data is parsed. This is an alternate to inputting the timezone in your date strings. Timezones can be specified by JDK 1.1 deprecated strings like PST, EST, etc., by Java 2 standards: "America/Los_Angeles", or by the difference from GMT in this syntax: GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm] (for example Eastern Standard Time would be equivalent to "GMT-5:00").

Date Format Patterns

Time and Date oriented charts raise some interesting challenges. Input time stamps may be in a variety of languages, and a variety of formats. Axis labels might contain information as coarse as era (e.g. BC/AD) or as fine as milliseconds. Although KavaChart attempts to automate as many of these tasks as possible, you may need to fine-tune date handling by using a date format string. These strings are used in the following properties: inputDateFormat, axisDateFormat, axisSecondaryDateFormat, and dwellLabelDateFormat. These properties take a pattern string like "MMM-yyyy" to specify a date format like "January-2001". Each pattern string contains the desired field specifiers along with additional text you might want to add. This table describes the available fields:

Field Full Form Short Form
Year yyyy (4 digits) yy (2 digits)
Month MMM (name) MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
Day of week EEEE EE
Day of Month dd (2 digits) d (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (1-12) hh (2 digits) h (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (0-23) HH (2 digits) H (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (0-11) kk (2 digits) k (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (1-24) KK (2 digits) K (1 or 2 digits)
Minute mm None
Second ss None
Millisecond SSS None
AM/PM a None
Time Zone zzzz zz
Day of Week in Month F (e.g. 2nd Tuesday) None
Day in year DDD (3 digits) D (1, 2, or 3 digits)
Era G (e.g. BC or AD) None

The actual string values for each format are determined by locale and the time being formatted.


Dwell Label Properties

Charts can display tooltip style information that describes individual data items.  These labels are implemented using client-side imagemaps or JavaScript output for server chart objects.  In applets, this behavior is managed by the applet itself.

The following properties govern the behavior of dwell labels:

Property value type effect
dwellLabelsOn true/false Tells an applet whether to use dwell labels.  Server objects use "getLinkMap()", or a taglib attribute to include or exclude generation of an imagemap.
dwellUseLabelString true/false Tells whether to use each datapoint's label as a part of the popup dwell labels.
dwellUseXValue true/false Tells  whether to use each datapoint's X value as a part of the popup dwell labels.
dwellUseYValue true/false Tells whether to use each datapoint's Y value as a part of the popup dwell labels.
dwellUseY2Value true/false Tells whether to use each datapoint's Y2 value as a part of the popup dwell labels. These values will automatically use the same formatting as the Y value labels.
dwellUseDatasetName true/false Tells whether to use dataset names in the popup dwell labels.
dwellXString String A text string containing the character "#" to add descriptive text to the dwell label X value. Example: "Category #".  Server objects use the characters "XX" instead of "#".  For example: "Category XX".
dwellYString String A text string containing the character "#" to add descriptive text to the dwell label Y value. Example: "Unit Sales: $#".  Server objects use the characters "XX" instead of "#".  For example: "Unit Sales: $XX".
dwellY2String String A text string containing the character "#" to add descriptive text to the dwell label Y2 value. Example: "Unit Sales: $#".  Server objects use the characters "XX" instead of "#".  For example: "Unit Sales: $XX".
dwellLabelDateFormat String A format string for describing dates in the dwell label (e.g. yyyy = 2001)
dwellXLabelPrecision Integer Number of digits of precision for x dwell label values. For example, if precision is "2", labels will look like this: 123.45 or 123,45.
dwellYLabelPrecision Integer Number of digits of precision for y dwell label values. For example, if precision is "2", labels will look like this: 123.45 or 123,45.
dwellXPercentFormat boolean The X dwell labels will be in percent format.
dwellXCurrencyFormat boolean The X dwell labels will be in currency format.
dwellYPercentFormat boolean The Y dwell labels will be in percent format.
dwellYCurrencyFormat boolean The Y dwell labels will be in currency format.
dataset0Links list a list of URLs for hyperlinks from dataset0. Dataset0 through dataset39 available.
target String Target frame for hyperlink drill-down results.  (applets only)
dataset0Targets list a list of target frames for hyperlinks from dataset0. Dataset0 through dataset39 available. (server objects only)  Note: this property can be used in conjunction with dataset0Links to tie individual data items to client-side JavaScript functions.